Legal Services

When To Hire An Accident And Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered a severe accident that has resulted in medical expenses, time away from work or resulted in other losses and you believe that a third party is responsible, you need to get an accident and injury lawyer to represent you in a personal injury claim ti receive recompense for your losses.

A personal injury claim will require you to show that a third party was negligent or otherwise responsible for your injuries. When you believe this to be the case or that other factors contributed to the occurrence of the accident your person injury lawyer will gather evidence to make the case in your claim. In many cases there can be multiple parties that are at fault in an accident and a lawyer will help you identify all parties to make your case against. Many such lawyers also operate on a ‘no-win no-fee’ basis so that you only pay (part of your settlement amount) if the case is successful.

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