
Ways to Soothe Pain from Growing Teeth

As we grow older, our wisdom teeth start to emerge and can cause pain and discomfort. There are several ways to alleviate the pain that come with the growing of wisdom teeth. Sometimes, it’s not necessary to get surgery or medical intervention to get pain relief for wisdom teeth. Here are some ways you can help minimize the pain:

1. Warm saltwater rinse: Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Swish it around your mouth for a few minutes, then spit it out. This can help reduce inflammation and irritation around the area of your wisdom teeth.

2. Ice pack: Use an ice pack on your cheek for 15 minutes at a time with a 15-minute break in between. This can help to numb the area and reduce swelling.

3. Over-the-counter medication: You can take an ibuprofen or acetaminophen as a pain reliever.

4. Clove oil: Use a cotton swab to apply clove oil to the area of the sore tooth. Clove oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to numb the area.

5. Gum massage: Gently massage your gums around the area of your wisdom teeth with your clean fingers.

It’s important to note that these are just temporary and not permanent solutions. If the pain persists then you should consult your dentist for a more permanent solution for pain relief for wisdom teeth.

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