Recycle Materials

The Wonders of Styrofoam Recycling

Polystyrene is a type of plastic that is widely used for insulation, packaging, and disposable utensils. It is also known as Styrofoam, which is a brand of expanded polystyrene foam.

Polystyrene doesn’t degrade easily and often ends up in landfills, taking up valuable space. However, many companies have developed ways to recycle polystyrene, reducing its negative impact on the environment.

Polystyrene processing involves breaking down used Styrofoam products into smaller, more manageable pieces. These pieces can then be melted and molded into new products such as picture frames, crown molding, and garden furniture. It takes about 25 recycled Styrofoam cups to make a picture frame.

Not all recycling centers accept polystyrene products, but many cities have programs that collect them for recycling. Some companies even provide Styrofoam recycling bins that can be dropped off at local collection points.

It’s important to recycle polystyrene products properly because they can release harmful chemicals when burned. These chemicals can pollute the air and harm human health.

If you’re not sure if a product is made of polystyrene, look for the recycling symbol on the bottom. If it has a number “6” inside the symbol, then it is made of polystyrene.

So, the next time you use a polystyrene product, think about where it will end up. With polystyrene processing, we can reduce waste and create new products, ultimately helping our planet.

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