Construction Services

Removing Rocks from Your Commercial Roof

As a business owner, you may be dreading the inevitable task of roof ballast rock removal. It’s a necessary procedure to keep your roof in good condition, but it can be a daunting one. Here’s what you need to know.
What is roof ballast rock? It’s the layer of rocks that sits on top of your commercial roofing material. This layer serves a few purposes: to protect the roofing material from UV damage, to help with insulation, and to weigh down the roof in windy areas.
So why does it need to be removed? Over time, the rocks can shift and cause damage to the roofing material below. They can also clog your commercial gutters, preventing proper drainage and causing damage to your building’s foundation.
Removing the rocks is a delicate process that must be done carefully in order to avoid damaging the roofing material below. It’s a job that’s best left to professional roofers with the expertise and equipment to do it right.
If you’re due for a roof ballast rock removal, don’t put it off any longer. It’s important for the health of your commercial roof and your building as a whole. Call in the professionals and rest easy knowing the job will be done safely and effectively.

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