
Pellet Stove Repair Costs

A broken or malfunctioning pellet stove can be extremely frustrating, and fortunately, it’s a relatively easy repair. A pellet stove repair typically costs $120 to $190, depending on the cause of the problem. The most common reasons for this problem include a malfunctioning temperature switch or a dirty heat exchanger. If you’re looking to save money on repairs, consider choosing an aftermarket or reconditioned part. You can save on the cost of parts by choosing one of these options.
Some pellet stove repair companies will also offer maintenance contracts for a set price. Depending on your model and the type of pellets you use, you can save even more money by taking care of your pellet stove yourself. You’ll also save money if you take advantage of their maintenance program. You should also make sure the technician has the proper tools and experience to repair your particular brand.

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