Adult Stuff

What Is A Discreet Pipe?

A Discreet Pipe is a device that can be used for smoking marijuana. It is typically made of metal, with a filter at the end to prevent smoke from escaping. Discreet Pipes are most often found in the United States and Canada, but they also exist in other countries that have legalized marijuana use. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but most are similar to cigarettes. They work by heating an inner coil until it glows red hot; this causes dry herbs or tobacco inside the pipe to heat up quickly and produce smoke without any need for flames or lighters.
The Discreet Pipe was invented by Daniel Carrillo Jr., who started his company Discrete Products after he moved back home from college because he wanted to ensure that his parents were not offended by the smell of marijuana smoke. Discrete Products is now a multi-million dollar company, and Discreet Pipes are sold in most head shops across North America.

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