Photography Services

What Is Headshot Photography?

There’s a difference between headshot photography and portrait photography. Headshots are for the purpose of generating a professional profile, something an executive, author, model, or actor might want for self-promotion. A Portrait photo is a more informal and creative way of representing oneself and these photos are found in family albums and in picture frames atop of the baby grand piano.

A website will have an about us page featuring a closeup of the top executives of the company. It is there that you find an important headshot of the Chief Executive Officer. He or she will look serious and intellectual in his or her carriage and deportment.

If the headshot is of a model or an actor, the look will differ significantly from that of an executive. The actor may be hoping to win a role as a “Jack the Ripper” type character. The last thing he wants to appear to be is staunch and proper.

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