When you are thinking of forming an LLC, the first step you need to consider is the state that you want to apply in. You do not need to be living in the state that you are applying for, which can benefit you if you want to apply in a state with flexible taxes. It is legally required to have a registered agent in all states, or you can become a self registered agent. If you do become a self registered agent, you need to be a resident in the state that you are applying for. If you are thinking of applying for an LLC in Delaware, then here are some benefits to consider for a registered agent.
With a Delaware registered agent, you will have absolute discretion when it comes to handling your lawsuits. They let you know quietly and notify you so that you are alerted conveniently. Not only that, but your business address doesn’t go on public record, since the agent will use their business address. However, if you chose to be a self registered agent, you would be served in front of your peers and family, plus your business address would go on the public record.
You would also need to be present at all times when your business is open, whereas when you have a registered agent, you have a flexible schedule. When being a self registered agent, you would have to stay present at your work so that you do not miss out on any deliveries for important documents, any potential lawsuits and anything else related to your business. However, a registered agent handles all of that for you and uploads all the paperwork on their system so that you can see it all. This is an efficient way forward in a business, since you know that you have a personal dashboard that is managed for you.
When you choose a registered agent in Delaware, there would be an organised online filing system. The agents would scan and upload all the paperwork for you and you’d have a personalised dashboard where all your paperwork is organised and up to date. This saves you time and everything is managed accordingly. If you were to be a self registered agent, you would need to make sure that you meet all deadlines by yourself and if you don’t, you could face the consequences of penalties and fines. You’d also receive notifications of any requirements needed and compliance reminders too.
If you choose to go for a foreign LLC in order to expand your business in different states, a registered agent can help you expand your business with their services.This means that by hiring a registered agent, you are guaranteed to have the potential opportunity to expand your brand across the states. Whereas if you were a self registered agent, you would have trouble doing this.
What else do I need to know?
You would have to choose a registered agent during the formation filing process for your LLC. The Certificate of Formation is a certain document that is vital in Delaware and is necessary for formation filing. It costs $90 as a fee to download, fill out the form and send it via mail to the Secretary of State. If you wish to change your registered agent, it is a $50 fee and you would need to fill out paperwork and get consent from the new agent.
Our say
It is a legal requirement to have a registered agent and it is rather beneficial to hire one instead of becoming a self registered agent. It can save you time from the amount of paperwork that will stack up, you can get additional advice and customer service for any troubles you have with an LLC and you have the chance to expand your business with a foreign LLC.