Every feeling, every failure, every triumph a human being has experienced, was first established in the mind. Henry Ford, the great and famous, early 1900s motorcar mogul, once stated from experience that whatever a mind thinks it can do, or not do, that is what will manifest into reality.
In other words, Ford was sharing the brilliant insight, that if you think you will fail, you will in fact fail, but, if you think that you will succeed, this mindset will help ensure you become successful. He had come to understand that while the external environment can present negativity and setbacks in the process of goal achievement, success or failure has little to do with the external environment, but instead relies on changing your mindset and developing a positive outlook.
This outlook, partly popularized by Ford, is used today by millions of success coaches, psychologists, and a range of social services providers, to help clients overcome setbacks and difficulties. They share the knowledge and insight on the life-changing premise that changing your life can be the simple act of changing how you think.