-What is Perimenopause?
Perimenopause, also known as, menopause transition, is the period of time when a woman’s body is preparing for the cessation of her monthly period or menses. Perimenopause starts when the ovaries begin to gradually produce less estrogen and fewer eggs, and ends at menopause when the ovaries cease to produce eggs.
–What are the symptoms of perimenopause?
During perimenopause a woman will likely experience some, or all, of the following signs and symptoms:
-Longer menstrual flow
-Heavier menstrual flow
-Shorter menstrual cycle
-Experiencing new or more intense menstrual cramps
-Swollen, sore or lumpy breasts
-Waking up at nights/night sweats
-Onset or worsening of migraine
-Increased or onset of premenstrual mood swings
-Unexplainable weight gain
-At what age does perimenopause start?
It is estimated, that most women begin their perimenopausal experience in their early-to-mid 40s. However, the menopause transition can begin at age 30, or sometimes even earlier, for some women.
-What should I do if I experience symptoms of perimenopause?
If you’re experiencing three or more of the symptoms listed above, and you are within the age range for likely onset of perimenopause, you should consult with your OBGYN to discuss this area of your health.