Want to know how to design an app? It’s all in the details. You start by doing competitive market research to find hot markets and find out what people want. Write down all the features of the perfect app for you. Then make design mockups of the most promising apps.
After you have the feature set in stone, you need to write the name of your app and search for apps that are similar in terms of function, but not necessarily the name. You can use one or more of the following techniques to create a brand. Brand yourself. Take an existing competing app and change the name. Add your unique flair to the existing apps.
Once you have the basic app up and running, you can start looking at marketing strategies., anyone can create a fantastic app. However, it will be much easier if you choose one of the competing apps first. It would be irresponsible to launch a fantastic app that doesn’t compete with other fantastic apps. Remember that people decide what they like about your app based on how good it is. Being listed as an official Apple or Android app is the next step, and there is plenty of competition, so you should really take advantage of it.