Cleaning Services

Clean And Simple Introduction To Pressure Washing Solar Panels

Pressure washing solar panels is the process of pressure cleaning them to remove dirt, algae, dust, and other debris. This can be done using pressure washers specifically designed for this purpose or by applying pressure with a garden hose. If your solar panels are covered in mold or mildew, you need to pressure wash them because these substances will reduce the efficiency of your system and cause them to break down more quickly.

If pressure washing solar panels, you should use low pressure and not damage the electrical connections. If pressure washing them with a garden hose, your water source must have enough pressure, or else this will result in no results.

Another thing to think about when pressure washing your solar panels is whether or not it will help. If they are covered in dirt and debris, this can be pressure washed off, but if the mold and mildew have already set in, pressure washers may not be able to remove them.

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