
Purposeful Cube Storage Boxes

Cube storage boxes are the perfect size for makeup sponges, Q-tips, nail files, makeup brushes, and other beauty tools. It’s also perfectly sized for comfortable placement on any small makeup table or bathroom sink. Depending on the material the box is made of it could serve as an electric toothbrush holder, toothpaste holder and flossing kit.

These small and handy boxes can serve many purposes. They can hold a variety of things making the life of its owner much easier. The convenience of having beauty, bathing, and work tools handy is indisputably beneficial. Everyone needs to reduce time searching for missing materials needed to complete a task. Having them readily available in your handy cube box makes things far less complicated.

These boxes can be clear and durable in Lucite, in solid wood, in rigid plastic, or glass. In each material, they would be long lasting and serve their purpose for many years.

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