
What Is Andropause In Men?

When women reach a certain age, ovulation ends and hormone production by their bodies is significantly reduced. This period is referred to as ‘menopause’. Men are also subject to a reduction of hormone levels as they age and, while there are not the same dramatic changes that women undergo at this time, they also undergo changes which have been referred to as ‘andropause‘ (or male menopause).

In men, the reduction in hormone levels occurs mainly in their testosterone production but this usually occurs very gradually over a period of years and there are no significant consequences that appear suddenly. This gradual reduction in testosterone levels is more properly termed late onset hypogonadism or age-related testosterone level reduction. A man’s testosterone levels, on average, decline by about 1% per year once they reach 40 years of age. Not all older men, however, have low testosterone levels with between 75% and 90% still having testosterone levels that are regarded as within the normal range.

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