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3 TikTok Cosplay Items To Try Today

Is TikTok your new space for Cosplaying… or, perhaps, it has been the only place that you feel like you can try it out for the first time? Whether you are a seasoned pro or just spreading your wings, here are 3 Cosplay items that your TikTok feed will love!

Anime Eye Contact Lenses, viewers are more likely to stop on videos that draw the eye… and boy do these literally draw the eye! Many TikTokers build a collection of these contacts over time.

Funky Wigs

Even inexpensive wigs looks cute on camera with a hat. So try out those cheaper and funkier wigs. You don’t have anything to lose! Worse case scenario, you’ll need a hat.

Extreme Makeup

Colorful videos are known to get views. Try extreme makeup looks in your Cosplay. It will be fun for you AND your viewers!

As you build your TikTok Cosplay into a community, remember…the most important thing is to have fun, be yourself and to meet people who want to do the same.

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