Solar Panels

3 Key Victorian Solar Rebates

Many people in victorian are interested in solar power, and with good reason. However, it can be challenging to know where to start or the best option for you. You’re not alone! There are a lot of options out there that seem complicated at first glance. Luckily, we’ve done our research and put together three critical victorian solar rebates that explain how this process works and why you should consider them when deciding on your next steps:

What is The Victorian Solar Rebate Program (VSMP)?

Thisprogram is a statewide initiative to provide the necessary support to make solar in victoria as easy and affordable as possible. VSMP gives homeowners up to $5000 for the installation of a new rooftop system!

What is The Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) Scheme?

STCs are awarded to solar rebates and other small-scale renewable energy producers for every megawatt-hour of power they generate. They can then trade these credits on the open market and sell them to big electricity retailers like AGL or EnergyAustralia. They use them to meet their obligations under the Renewable Power Target.

What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?

RECs are created when renewable energy is generated, representing a claim on one megawatt-hour of electricity.

VSMP has the REC (renewable energy certificate) market cornered! VSMP currently owns around 170,000 RECs, which translates to about 40 million kWhrs of clean power that would otherwise be produced by coal or gas.

In conclusion, we can see that there is a lot to know about the victorian solar rebate irymple. Check for more information.

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